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United Lutheran Seminary Library: Circulation Policies

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Stained Glass Window Krauth Library

Interlibrary Loans:

The ULS Libraries are connected to a network of other libraries and can borrow just about any book out there via interlibrary loan.

Who can request Interlibary Loans (ILLs)?

Current ULS Students, Faculty, Emeritus Faculty, and Staff. 

Can I request an interlibrary loan because the book I want is checked out or on reserve at ULS?

in most situations it is normally faster to recall the book rather than file an ILL request. There are some exceptions to this but typically a book being checked out is not a reason to request it via interlibrary loan

Can I file a consecutive ILL request for the same item?
Consecutive ILL requests for the same material by the same patron will not be honored. Patrons may ask the library director that a copy be purchased. 

Are there any costs for interlibrary loans?
The library covers all costs of interlibrary loan requests except for lost or overdue fines from the lending library. These fines must be paid to the ULS library or all library privileges may be turned off.

There are multiple ways to request ILLs. Click here for an online form or an ILL request can be made directly in WorldCat.

Loan Periods:

Current Students:

Semester long loans. Books will be due back at the end of the current semester or at the end of summer.  

ULS Faculty, and Staff:
Books are due back at the end of the Spring semester. 

Courtesy Borrowers:

Four week check outs for up to 5 items.

For Reserve Books:

Books needed for course reading are kept on reserve at both branches.

These books are available for 3 hour checkouts.

Overnight checkouts are possible a half hour before the library closes for the day.

Materials are then due the next day the library is open within two hours of the library opening.

Who are Courtesy Borrowers?

Courtesy borrowers fall under several categories, listed below. Courtesy borrowers are not eligible for interlibrary loan privileges. All courtesy borrowers may check out materials for four weeks at a time. Courtesy borrowers are not granted off-campus access to electronic resources.

Alumni of United Lutheran Seminary or its predecessor seminaries may borrow materials, freely. Alumni are also granted access to ATLASerials for Alum . Please contact the Alumni Relations office for login information.

ELCA Rostered Leaders:

As a thank you to our synod and national church leadership for their significant annual financial support of the seminary, currently rostered ELCA leaders can check out materials freely.


Spouses of current faculty, staff, and students are welcome to borrow materials, freely. 

General public and clergy from other denominations:
While the public is invited to visit us any time we are open, general public courtesy borrowers must pay a $50 annual fee in order to check out materials from the library.

Distance Delivery:

Current students, faculty, emeritus faculty, and staff that live more than 30 miles from Gettysburg or Philadelphia can request books be delivered to their home.

Please fill out this form to make a request.

Overdue and Lost Book Fines:

Overdue fines are $.25 per day per item with a 24 hour grace period.

Overdue fines for course reserves are $.25 per hour per item and there is no grace period.

Maximum overdue fines are $10 per book.

Lost materials are charged the cost of the book's replacement, plus a processing fee of $10

Any fine of any size on one's account makes one ineligible to check out more books.

Fines can only be contested to the public services librarians or the library director.

Book Recalls:

Recalled Books

Any materials checked out from the United Lutheran Seminary Library can be recalled, when a request is made by another borrower or the item is needed for course reserves.

Recalled books must be returned within seven days of receiving notice.

We do not recall books for courtesy borrowers. Click here if you need to recall a book.

Borrowers from other libraries:

Students and faculty from Southeastern Pennsylvania Theological Library Association or Washington Theological Consortium institutions have reciprocal borrowing privileges at the United Lutheran Seminary Library. In order to check out materials, it is necessary to bring both your current student ID and a Direct Borrowing Certification Document from your institution's library. 

Gettysburg College and Mount Saint Mary's University and Seminary:
Students and faculty from these institutions have reciprocal borrowing privileges at the United Lutheran Seminary Library. In order to check out materials, it is necessary to bring both your current student ID and a letter from your institution's library, confirming your current status. 




The land on which United Lutheran Seminary sits, and which stretches between its two campuses, is tribal land, inhabited originally by the Lenni Lenape, the Susquehannock, and the Seneca tribes. We honor those original caretakers of this land, and we pay respect to the original inhabitants of what we now call Pennsylvania. Acknowledging this history is consistent with the seminary’s commitment to welcome and equity, which calls us in Christ to repentance, reconciliation, and wholeness. Even though the sad history of colonization cannot be undone, this land acknowledgement is one small way for us to remember what happened here, to understand our part in this story, and to develop a more healthy relationship with the land and its original inhabitants.


United Lutheran Seminary - Gettysburg | 61 Seminary Ridge | Gettysburg, PA 17325
United Lutheran Seminary - Philadelphia | 7301 Germantown Ave | Philadelphia, PA 19119
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